
Tuesday, 13 August: The opening round of the UIM-ABP Class Pro Aquabike World Championship for Runabout and Ski GP1, and round 2 of Freestyle will take place on Lago di Viverone on 5-8 September.
Aquabike Promotion confirmed the switch of venue from Monaco to Viverone due to some last minute logistical issues. “Due to the holidays we faced some logistical issues in Monaco but we are very fortunate that following the European Championship last week in Viverone, everything is already in place for us to return there.” said Alec Cavallero, director ABP.
After the opening round in Viverone in Biella province of the Piedmont region of north-west Italy, the Championship heads east to Liuzhou, China (3-5 October) and then to the Middle East for rounds 3 and 4 in Doha, Qatar (14-16 November) and Abu Dhabi, UAE (3-4 December).