
30 April, 2022
Saturday April 30th, Otranto ( Italy)
With deep regret we have to inform you that the race scheduled for today Grand Prix of Italy, opening round of the UIM-ABP Aquabike European Continental Championship in Otranto, cannot be held due to a quite controversial interpretation of the applicable rules put forward at the eve of the Championship opening by the Captain Chief of the Cost Guard in Otranto, according to whom all the drivers competing in our categories are supposed to have an official boating license.
It is the very first time in more than 40 years that we hear of such a unique reading of the provisions applicable to powerboat competitions, which by definition are governed by the rules of the competent national and international Sport Federations.
This circumstances are beyond our control and despite the tireless efforts spent together with the italian Powerboat Federation (FIM) and the International Powerboat Federation (UIM) whose support has been outstanding, there has been no chance to change this unexpected situation.
We are confident that things will be clarified swiftly and that there will not be further obstacles in respect of the upcoming races in Italy.
In the meantime, together with the powerboat governing bodies, we are considering al the possible actions to recover losses and restore damages suffered.