
Friday, June 21: One-hundred and sixty-seven racers from 30 countries grace the final entry list for the Regione Sardegna Grand Prix of Italy.
The massive international field is further broken down into 30 riders taking part in the flagship Runabout GP1 category, 39 in Ski Division GP1, a dozen in Ski Ladies GP1 and six in Freestyle.
In addition, there are 21 entrants in Runabout GP2, 16 in Runabout GP4, nine in both Ski Division GP2 and GP4, 12 in Ski Division GP3 and 13 in Runabout GP4 Ladies.
An amended timetable for today (Friday) sees the first free practice sessions for Ski Ladies GP1, Ski GP1, Runabout GP1 and Freestyle entrants from 09.00hrs. These will be followed by one of the qualifying sessions for non-contracted or supported riders in each of the Ski Division GP1 and Runabout GP1 sections from 11.00hrs.
After a one-hour lunch break, Ski GP3 and GP4, Runabout GP4 and GP4 Ladies, Ski GP2 and Runabout GP2 competitors will also enjoy free practice with Runabout GP2 also carrying out a qualifying session. Pole position runs then follow for Ski Ladies GP1, Ski GP1 and Runabout GP1 entrants and a hectic opening day is rounded off by the opening Ski GP3 and GP4 Motos and Freestyle qualifying.